Saturday, July 25, 2009

Portland Zine Symposium

well, today I am feeling too sick to go to the symposium. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
For now, I will post some panels from my most recent comic, one I prepared for the Dicentra Collective's anthology zine, When Language Runs Dry: a Zine for People With Chronic Pain and Their Allies. Dicentra is rad, check out their blog here.
Speaking of serendipity, another book debuted at the zine symposium also titled SICK. It is subtitled: a Compilation Zine on Physical Illness, edited by Ben Holtzman. He's a real nice guy, and the book is really good. You can buy it here from AK Press.
I was away last month at Fancyland for an art getaway. It was lovely and wonderful (endless gratitude, Sacha). However, most of the time I was so sick out there that it made it very hard for me to focus on any of the projects I had planned. So I decided to draw a very personal comic about disability, feeling sick all the time, and the various frustrating and depressing experiences that ensue. Sometimes I wonder: how much more "coming out" can I do? So this will be my coming out as disabled post. the picture below, I actually drew while lying in pain on the couch in the amazing new lodge that my friends built last summer (I do not have a "builder-body", but me and my sweetheart helped out by cooking two weeks worth of meals for a rotating band of builder-friends):

and here's a couple more:


Liza said...

This is weird, Annie, I have had the same problem all year. Given that this post is a couple of months old I hope you're feeling better! If you are, awesome!

Annie Murphy said...

Bummer, Liza. I began to feel a lot better after I drew this. But now I feel sick again. So it goes. I hope you are in good health.